  • 桂鹏程:

    经过几年在不同行业:家具,灯饰,餐具,工艺品,等的从业经历后,桂先生开始了专注于生产高端定制灯饰的创业生涯。他经常戏称自己是“一个对几乎所有事情都了解一丁点的人”。 工作以外,他喜欢体育锻炼,尤其热衷于打高尔夫和篮球。
  • Derby Song:
    VP of Operations

    Mr. Song started working in the industry since 2000, he has a lot of experiences in metal work, finishing, costing, craftsmanship, etc. He could always come up with the best solution to bring customers&squot; ideas in a feasible way to make them alive. He has a great personality and is a real hard worker, our clients love him so much!! He was also made one of the owners of the company.
  • Frank Liu:
    Chief Engineer

    Frank has been working on some amazing projects with the company since 2012, he has a lot of experiences in lighting industry and knows the regulations and standards very well, he pays a lot attention to details and always pursuing for perfectness!! Our clients rely so much on him!
  • Sam Chen:
    Senior Engineer

    Sam has long years of working experiences in some great companies in the industry, and he is very good at working with 3D drawings. Sam is also one of the most responsible engineers, he looks every single project as his own masterpiece!
  • Larry Huang:
    Project Manager

    Larry started his career in lighting industry since 2001, he worked in several big lighting companies before joining BoardWalk and is now a great asset to the company. His most remarkable project is the light poles and audio poles for Tomorrowland, SHDR. Larry spent 9 months to complete this project and turned it into a great success for both Disney and BoardWalk.
  • Marco Zhao:
    QE Manager

    Marco started his career from working on assembly line and then promoted to be line leader, QC inspector and then QE manager. He is an expert in lighting and home decor industry, and is good at working with our key vendors to control the quality, he performs training for our in-house QC inspectors weekly and is always trying to improve.
  • Yang Feng:
    Production Manager

    Mr. Yang has been working in the industry for long years, he is always thinking positively and proactively. With his joining, we have improved our production schedule much better and he also does a good job in training the workers and follow ISO rules. He has made himself a great asset for the company.
  • Ren:

    Ren is a great person with long years of experiences as a merchandiser and PMC, he is doing a good job with his hard endeavors and dilligence. And he is a very reliable person and easy going.
  • Yoga Huang:

    Yoga smiles a lot and we love to see him smiling. As that means something good is happening. He is handling most of the home decor developments and believe me: they are very challenging! Yoga has been doing a great job!!
  • Lily Fong:
    Key Account Manager

    Lily is very keen on details and she could always catch the very unnoticeable issues internally. That is why our clients rely so much on her to make sure everything is correct before leaving our facility.
  • Jennifer Hao:
    Key Account Manager

    Jen is such a sweet person and we all love having her in the team! She is very confident in what she is doing and we just love her!! We have heard many clients saying highly for her great job! And we know that.
  • Sam Du:
    R&D Manager

    Sam is a smart boy, young and dynamic. He started his career as an engineer and at his current position, his background helps our clients to realize the ideas into pretty prototypes at a much higher speed. He is doing a great job! And more importantly, he is still learning fast...
  • 王绪雪:

  • 曾可成:

    2014年开始从事灯饰行业,他的人脉和专业精神是他在工作上取得成功的关键因素。每天的好习惯是记笔记,并提前做好工作计划。 他是我们最可靠的员工之一。除了工作,业余喜欢运动、音乐,旅游。
  • 刘源平:

  • 杨非凡:

  • 陈惠恒:

    他是我们公司最受欢迎的员工之一,他有独特的魅力,认真负责的工作态度,有15年多的工作经验,每天都在成长,勇于探索,研究新的东西。工作之余, 喜欢打篮球。
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